Friday, May 20, 2005

Is Modernism still relevant?

Modernism arises as a rebellion against classical methodology. Modernism died because it has no longer the “Cutting Edge” ability. Everything is deemed to be innovative and avante grade. The question asked is this still a rebellious movement? The movement has lost its cause. Hence the rise of post-modernism, post modernism is loosely termed. It does not have a set agenda other then to signify that it is after modernism.

But why are there people still designing modernism buildings? Is the struggle still valid? In Singapore, modernism is still relevant because we still have not resolved the inside-outside relation. Inside are inside and exterior remains exterior. The climate renders any attempt to bridge the difference a foregone conclusion. The culture of air conditioning has not help in the cause. Interior space = air conditioned. Exterior spaces = uncomfortable, places one avoid.

However, there are merits in the nature and we need to resolve the reluctance of the society to engage the outside. Can we return to modernism to unearth techniques of engaging the nature?

There seem to be two prong attack needed in Singapore scene. First is to rebel against the society’s preference for air conditioned spaces. We need to provide comfortable spaces, it need not to be air conditioned. If only we can lower the temperature without resorting to air conditioning, the task of overcoming the prevailing mode of operation becomes easier.

Secondly, the highly controlled environment gives rise to a need to rebel. Cause and effect, without the controls, rebellion seems pointless. Only in the presence of enormous control devices, there is opportunity to rebel against. A movement is needed to make better a space. Controlled spaces are sterile. A movement to unshackle the sterility and enable people to own the space and overcome the sterility is needed.

This is why I choose to come back to Singapore. It is exciting.


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